Teach Your Grandma How To Code

This text is actually a workshop? Yup. For the people who’re currently IN my workshop, use this as a guide. I’ll say everything that’s written here almost literally. For the people who’re just reading this for some reason? I don’t know, live life I guess. We’ve so many programming languages. Every programming language seems like their own mountain to climb. There’s just so much to “parse” (so proud of that one)....

July 6, 2024 · 6 min

Fallen Angels [1995] Reception Analysis

Imagine a photograph capturing a beautiful sunset. Even though the sunset itself is temporary, the photo allows us to appreciate its beauty and the emotions it evokes. Similarly, Wong’s films might capture fleeting moments, but they can still hold lasting meaning and emotional impact. The brilliance of Fallen Angels [1995] comes not from its visuals or characters alone, Wong uses his characters as puppets in this grand visually stunning performance. The following reviews capture the essence and the meaning of this film’s 99 beautiful minutes, but sometimes miss the connotation of visuals over characters or characters over visuals....

March 10, 2024 · 9 min

CodeDay Lucknow

This is going to be a detailed post including everything that we did in CodeDay Lucknow. Was it successful? Did we change things? How was the kebab like? All your questions will be answered in this page of mon-cahier. CodeDay Lucknow was a 24-hour event, first of its kind in Lucknow and a rollercoater of organisation. All the pictures are from CodeDay Lucknow, obviously. I don’t know why I had to clarify that....

July 6, 2023 · 15 min

π is rational, or is it?

Disclaimer: π is irrational. Duh doy. We’ve proved it over and over and over again, but this isn’t really about π being rational or not. No no. This is about how mysterious the simplest of technologies tend to be even today when it feels like we’ve mastered technology. But seriously, π ISN’T rational, don’t get any ideas. The Confusion Try this. Open up your calculator (a physical one) and type in 116 / 13 and look at the solution carefully....

April 27, 2023 · 4 min

The cleverest whisper: The RSA Algorithm.

Known by so many different names, The RSA algorithm, the Asymmetric Encryption or the Public-Private key cryptography is easily one of the pillars that hold the largest network known to us together: the internet. It’s clever. It’s efficient. And it feels seemingly “loophole free”. We’ve all played with Caesar Cipher; Caesar Cipher might just be the simplest example of cryptography (probably the oldest) that we can play with. What’s up with this fancy new stuff then?...

March 21, 2022 · 6 min