Hashing Algorithms 101

Cryptography is not a new concept to humans. We have been encrypting messages, trying to make it impossible for other humans to read our messages. It is nothing new. In roman times, Julius Caesar came up with a new kind of encryption where he used to shift all the letters of the message to a certain number. This was called Caesar Cipher. We don’t know if this story is factually correct, but Caesar cipher might be the most known of all the simple encryption techniques....

June 26, 2021 · 6 min

Mathematicians Favourite Pixel Art: Conway’s Game of Life

The Game Of Life I created. It was the October of 1970 and the monthly magazine “Scientific American" had a peculiarly interesting article on an apparent game called “life". That issue of the magazine grew up to be the most sold at the time. The game was The Game of Life by John Horton Conway, an English mathematician. Dr. Conway calls the game a “zero-player" game which accurately describes the amusement you can achieve by just observing the patterns transform from afar....

June 4, 2021 · 7 min

Automate The Boring Stuff With Python

Python is powerful. The second most popular language (according to TIOBE rating[27/may/2021]) for a reason (the first most popular language is C for a reason too). Python is convenient for everyone; for beginners, for computer scientists or for mathematicians. All this because of python’s easy usability and the widespread usage. Is python that good? Uh no. Python is a language made on the C programming language. It lets you program the way you want to program: procedural or object-oriented....

May 28, 2021 · 9 min

NFTs And BlockChains

People are welcoming NFTs as the latest trend in the world of crypto, however we actually had this technology even before the invention of advanced encryption algorithms. Of course, now this technology can be used more effectively and securely, and it might carry the potential to change a lot about the internet you know today. If you don’t have any idea what these new so welcomed additions to the crypto world are, you should....

May 21, 2021 · 7 min

The Hidden Services: TOR Network’s real deal

Hidden services also known as the Dark Web is too cool to exist. As discussed in the last article, the TOR network is a pretty secure network of onion routers. However, we also discussed how if you place yourself at the right places in the network, you can get a lot of information and sometimes even everything. Hidden Services come for the rescue! Servers in the usual system of networks are visible to the world....

May 14, 2021 · 7 min